Thinning? Sometimes I feel like I'm going downright bald! Between perimenopause, menopause, post-menopause, telogen effluvium, and traction alopecia, it's a wonder I have any hair left at all!
But to God be the glory! After years of minoxidil and an array of vitamins, including biotin, which have helped me keep some hair, I have recently learned about this one hormone that women actually have, and not just men. This hormone does not only help regrow our hair, it can improve sexual arousal and vaginal moisture, increase energy, alleviate brain fog, improve concentration, improve sleep, decrease fat, improve mood, ANNNND did I mention regrow our beloved hair?!
What's this hormone? It's TESTOSTERONE!
Who knew? So I immediately went back through my medical records to see when, if ever, my testosterone levels had been checked. Lo and behold, at a visit to my primary doctor THREE years ago due to my concern about my hair thinning, he checked my testosterone level. According to his review of my lab work, my testosterone was "undetectable." Well, good grief! So if it was "undetectable" three years ago, I knew it definitely must be an issue now!
So, what now? I'm going to continue with the minoxidil, oils, loose braids, and prayer, that have allowed me to retain some hair, but baby, I'm about to take some testosterone! And lucky for me, with this company I now work with, I can get it easily and it's on the way! I've heard nothing but good things about this product from people who use it regularly, so I ain't scared to try something new! I'm excited! What have I got to lose? More hair? Yeah, I'm confident THAT won't happen!
I'll post again after I've been on testosterone for a few months to give an update of my positive experience and let you know how happy I am that it has thickened up. I can't wait!!!
In the meantime, if you'd like to step out on faith and join me on this hair growth journey, first check with your doctor if you need to, then go on over to https://bepic.com/joyayokha to order the same testosterone I ordered and get it delivered to your door. Be sure to let me know how it works for you, too!
Happy growing!